CG Images

Halloween Robot (2014)
This is/was a teaser for skeletal steampunk robot I was attempting to model. Life got in the way (as it tends to do), and I never got around to finishing it. One day.
Rendered in Maya with Mental Ray. Composited in Nuke.

Halloween Robot Hat (2014)
A closeup of the steampunk tophat model.
Rendered in Maya with Mental Ray.

Living Room Concept 1 (2014)
As a favor for a friend, I modeled out and lit a recreation of their living room to test out how a certain wall color/design would look.
Rendered in Maya with Mental Ray. Composited in Nuke.

11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver (2013)
Rendered in Maya with Mental Ray. Composited in Nuke.

The Tardis (2013)
Rendered in Maya with Mental Ray. Composited in Nuke.

Samsung Galaxy S7 (2014)
Rendered in Maya with Mental Ray. Composited in Nuke.

Hyperspace (2014)
Part of a video I made immediately after the final Star Wars 7 trailer came out. More here.
Rendered in Maya with Mental Ray. Composited in Nuke.

Greeble Pyramid (2016)
Initially started as a simple material test, I decided to have some fun using somewhat randomized custom detail displacement maps.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Composited in Nuke.

Klieg Light Front (2017)
Created for my Tower recreation project. More info to be added later.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Composited in Nuke.

Klieg Light Rear (2017)
Created for my Tower recreation project. More info to be added later.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Composited in Nuke.

Semi-Detailed Chain Linked Fence (2017)
Created for my Tower recreation project. More info to be added later.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Composited in Nuke.

Valley Side Tower (2017)
Created for my Tower recreation project. More info to be added later.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Composited in Nuke.

Valley Tower Concept Render 1 (2017)
Periodically I like to run sample progress renders, to see if the concept still works. This is a CG model comped onto a live action plate.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Composited in Nuke.

Valley Main Tower Ambient Occlusion (2017)
Rendered in Maya with Renderman.

Valley Side Tower From Below (2017)
Created for my Tower recreation project.
This was a sample render, testing out my materials.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Composited in Nuke.

The Hovership (WORK IN PROGRESS)
About 75% of this model was designed by my friend Cameron Ake back in 2013. Reopening the project for use in my Tower sequence (2017), I ended up having to rebuild most of the pieces due to a variety of glitches and some outdated topology. I then dealt with the task(s) of designing landing gear for a model that hadn't accounted for them in the first place, building a basic cockpit interior, UV'ing hundreds of pieces, texturing in Substance Painter, and rigging the whole model for animation.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Textured in Substance Painter. Composited in Nuke.

TeaTree (2017)
Part of some last-minute experimentation creating product photos for the purposes of expanding my job search.
At the time of making this, I have ZERO affiliation with the TeaTree company, or any other related brands.
Modeled in Maya, rendered with Arnold, and composited in Nuke.

Aveeno (2017)
Part of some last-minute experimentation creating product photos for the purposes of expanding my job search.
At the time of making this, I have ZERO affiliation with the Aveeno company, or any other related brands.
Modeled in Maya, rendered with Renderman, and composited in Nuke.

Prada (2017)
Part of some last-minute experimentation creating product photos for the purposes of expanding my job search.
At the time of making this, I have ZERO affiliation with the Prada company, or any other related brands.
Modeled in Maya, rendered with Arnold, and composited in Nuke.

Tower Hangar (2018)
Another asset for my Tower project.
Ultimately this hangar will actually be placed on top of the main tower (along with a few landing pads and-the-like)...but for previewing purposes (and a little fun), I made a few test renders on some muddy terrain.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Textured in Substance Painter. Composited in Nuke.

Valentine's Day (2018)
This was a last minute idea (at around 4 in the morning). I used this as an opportunity to speed up my Maya -> Substance Painter -> Nuke -> Photoshop workflow, as well as experiment with animated textures. Turnaround time was pretty quick, rendering aside.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Textured in Substance Painter. Composited in Nuke.

Stairs 'n Stuff (2018)
The result of some late night noodling.
Inspired more or less by Doctor Strange.
Rig: "Johnny", by Garmain Dler.
Rendered in Maya with Renderman. Composited in Nuke.

Moonlight Rowboat (2018)
A very old artwork of mine popped up on my timeline...11 years old in fact. The image was from a small series I made displaying the various times of the day over the ocean. All were created entirely within Photoshop using the cloud filter, and some stock images I found online. Perhaps not bad for a 15 year old in 2007...but very difficult to look at nowadays.
I thought it'd be fun to recreate the nighttime image using my current skillset...entirely in 3D.
All assets created using Maya (rendered with Arnold), Substance Painter, Nuke, and Photoshop.

Snowman Ornament (2018)
My best friend's family has a collection of small snowmen ornaments with the names of their family members that they hang up every season. I decided last minute (and I mean within 48 hours of our get-together) that the concept would make for a great card.
Modeling the snowman itself was very straightforward...as well as painting the texture in Substance Painter. I reused and updated my Christmas lights asset from a previous year. Fun fact: Instead of cheating and lighting them with a more economical approach, each bulb has an actual filament inside casting white light, which is then refracted properly through the colors of every bulb casing. That's about as realistic as it's gonna get.
I made up for that particular rendering bottleneck by creating two hat assets, and a variety of UV patterns (side note: I LOVE Arnold's custom AOV system) that I'd be able to customize and shuffle to my content within Nuke. The text itself was applied in Nuke using an ST map. Using this approach meant I only had to render once out of Maya...providing enough flexibility in Nuke to output multiple variations, which saved a TON of time and allowed me to print, cut, and matte the cards with enough time to spare.
Rendered in Maya with Arnold. Composited in Nuke.

Candy Hearts (2018)
Made for a Valentine’s Day video highlighting my addiction to candy hearts.
Rendered in Maya with Arnold. Composited in Nuke.

Edison Bulbs (2019)
Rendered in Maya with Arnold. Composited in Nuke.

Surprised Patrick (2020)
Modeled by my friend Cameron Ake. Lit, textures, and rig by me using Substance Painter, Maya, and Arnold. Comped in Nuke.
I want to note, this is my first successful implementation of the ACES system.

Coronavirus (2020)
Made towards the start of the pandemic.
Modeled in Maya. Rendered with Arnold.

Ardbeg Uigeadail (2020)
Modeled in Maya, rendered in Arnold…for fun.

Moka Pot - Still Life (2020)
Made for fun during quarantine.
Modeled in Maya, textured in Substance Painter, rendered with Arnold, steam sim in Houdini, and comp in Nuke.

Hillrock Single Malt (2020)
Modeled in Maya, rendered in Arnold…for fun.

Aeropress (2020/2021)
Modeled in Maya, rendered in Redshift…for fun.

ZTE A3Y - AR Model
Created for Yahoo/ZTE, for augmented reality uses.
The turn-in model was set up with GLTF shaders, but those were swapped to Redshift for the purposes of this presentation.
Modeled in Maya, textured with Substance Painter.