(currently being revised)
In additional to the media below, please feel free to view some of my CG stills here.
This particular reel is rather outdated…but it’ll suffice until I have some time to make a new one!
Mini Projects
Created using Maya, Arnold, and Nuke.
"Pigs don't grow on cheese"
A few weeks ago, I was on a call with my friend/occasional employer Cameron, and whilst going over some notes for my comp, I asked what he was working on. "A block of cheese" was the reply.
Dumbfounded, I pressed for more information. He shared his screen with me; lo and behold I found myself staring at a mostly finished block of cheese, and a little pig model standing on top. He told me about an inside joke of his involving cheese pigs, and his intention to make a small video of the concept. "Send it to me, I'll animate it" was my almost immediate reply.
So, over the course of the next few days we had the pigs rigged, textured, lit, and animated. Cumulatively the workload took less than a two consecutive days, but other (paid) projects took priority, of course.
The start of a miniseries, maybe?
Full credit: Cameron for the concept, modeling, pig rig, lighting, and comp. Me for the animation, cheese rig, text animation (not the material), some comp additions, and anal-retentive notes.